• Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml – po prostu zrelaksuj się!


    Ta uspokajająca mieszanka słodkich olejków eterycznych z lawendy, świeżej róży i ziemistego wetiweru tworzy idealną mieszankę zapewniającą kojące, spokojne, aromatyczne doświadczenie. Olejek lawendowy działa relaksująco i uważa się, że leczy stany lękowe i depresję. Olejek eteryczny różany o właściwościach uspokajających i kojących, uważa się, że pomaga zmniejszyć niepokój i stres. Olejek eteryczny z wetiweru wspomaga…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml – Obudź się!


    Energetyzujące połączenie pikantnych olejków eterycznych z mandarynki, grejpfruta i limonki, które pomogą Ci zwiększyć czujność i wyostrzyć koncentrację, abyś mógł zacząć rano. Olejek eteryczny mandarynkowy może pomóc poprawić nastrój lub zmniejszyć stres i sprzyja zwiększeniu energii. Mówi się, że olejek eteryczny z grejpfruta korzystnie wpływa na równoważenie nastroju i łagodzenie lęku oraz pomaga nam się…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml – po prostu się skup!


    Ta stymulująca mieszanka zawiera wiecznie zielony rozmaryn, pikantny cyprys i orzeźwiający olejek eteryczny z cytryny, który pomaga wyostrzyć umysł, dzięki czemu możesz stawić czoła codziennym zadaniom z nową energią. Olejek rozmarynowy pomaga redukować poziom stresu, zwiększa aktywność umysłową, poprawia czujność i likwiduje negatywne nastroje. Olejek cyprysowy promuje witalność i zwiększa uczucie energii, a zawarte w…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml — nabierz sił!


    Potężna mieszanka piżmowej paczuli, świeżego jaśminu i słodkiego olejku eterycznego Ylang Ylang może być stosowana jako środek poprawiający nastrój, a także może zapewniać właściwości afrodyzjaku. Olejek eteryczny z paczuli ma reputację afrodyzjaku, a jego właściwości i egzotyczny, zmysłowy aromat potrafią wprawić w dobry nastrój. Olejek eteryczny jaśminowy poprawia nastrój i dodaje optymizmu. Jest także znanym…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml — rozchmurz się!


    Ta energetyzująca mieszanka świeżej mięty zielonej, chrupiącej słodkiej pomarańczy i dymnego olejku eterycznego z mirry ma działanie podnoszące na duchu, co może być korzystne dla zwiększenia skupienia, pozytywnego nastawienia i optymizmu. Olejek eteryczny z mięty zielonej może złagodzić uczucie stresu i nerwowości, a także może złagodzić bóle głowy, zmniejszyć objawy kaszlu i poprawić oddychanie. Pomarańczowe…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml – zasypiaj!


    Gładka, relaksująca mieszanka świeżej lawendy, słodkiego rumianku i pikantnego olejku eterycznego Neroli może pomóc Ci zrelaksować się psychicznie i fizycznie oraz ułatwić zasypianie. Olejek lawendowy jest jednym z najpopularniejszych i wszechstronnych olejków eterycznych stosowanych w aromaterapii i uważa się, że pomaga w leczeniu lęku, depresji i bezsenności. Wiadomo, że olejek eteryczny z rumianku rzymskiego pomaga…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych w kulce 10 ml – nie martw się!


    Ta piękna mieszanka cytrusowej bergamotki, słodkiego geranium i drzewnego olejku z kadzidła może pomóc zrelaksować umysł i ciało, jednocześnie poprawiając nastrój, dzięki czemu możesz być w najlepszej formie przez cały dzień. Wiadomo, że olejek eteryczny z bergamotki pomaga zmniejszyć stres i, między innymi, może również złagodzić depresję i stany lękowe. Olejek eteryczny z geranium poprawiający…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych Simmus – pudełko – 10 ml


    Drzewo herbaciane, eukaliptus i geranium Korzyści z mieszanki olejków eterycznych Simmus –  może przynieść ulgę osobom cierpiącym na problemy z oddychaniem, takie jak kaszel, przeziębienie i grypa – wspomaga lepszą odporność Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie pobudzony. Wyobraź sobie,…

  • Zmysłowa mieszanka olejków eterycznych – pudełko – 10 ml


    Paczula, Jagody Jałowca i Ylang Ylang Korzyści z mieszanki olejków eterycznych Sensual –  Uważa się, że ma właściwości afrodyzjaku, które mogą pomóc zwiększyć libido – wzmocnią zmysłowość –  może pomóc złagodzić stres i smutek Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych Less Stress – w pudełku – 10 ml


    Szałwia muszkatołowa, cytryna i lawenda Mniej stresująca mieszanka olejków eterycznych –  może złagodzić stres i poprawić nastrój –  może złagodzić objawy depresji –  jego uspokajający wpływ na ciało i umysł może pomóc przy stanach lękowych   Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć…

  • Relaksująca mieszanka olejków eterycznych – w pudełku – 10 ml


    Lawenda i mandarynka Korzyści z relaksującej mieszanki olejków eterycznych –  wspomaga relaks i uważa się, że leczy stany lękowe –  może pomóc Ci zasnąć i poprawić ogólną jakość odpoczynku – zapewnia wszechstronną ulgę   Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie…

  • Kojąca mieszanka olejków eterycznych – pudełko – 10 ml


    Rumianek rzymski, szałwia i wetyweria Korzyści z kojącej mieszanki olejków eterycznych – może pomóc złagodzić ból mięśni i pobudzić krążenie – może pomóc poprawić nastrój – może złagodzić niepokój, nerwowość Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie pobudzony. Wyobraź sobie, że…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych Sleep Easy – pudełko – 10 ml


    Rumianek rzymski, szałwia muszkatołowa i bergamotka Korzyści z mieszanki olejków eterycznych Sleep Easy –  wspomaga relaks i może pomóc w zasypianiu –  uważa się, że zmniejsza stres –  może pomóc uspokoić umysł i złagodzić uczucie niepokoju   Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych Happiness – pudełko – 10 ml


    Bergamotka, Ylang Ylang i Grejpfrut Korzyści z mieszanki olejków eterycznych Happiness – może pomóc poprawić nastrój – może pomóc zwiększyć energię – uważa się, że zmniejsza stres Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie pobudzony. Wyobraź sobie, że po długim dniu…

  • Mieszanka olejków eterycznych Breathe Easy – pudełko – 10 ml


    Eukaliptus, ravensara i mięta pieprzowa Korzyści z mieszanki olejków eterycznych Breath Easy –  może pomóc oczyścić drogi oddechowe –  ułatwia swobodne oddychanie –  może pomóc w pobudzeniu układu odpornościowego Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie pobudzony. Wyobraź sobie, że po…

  • Mieszanka energetyzujących olejków eterycznych – pudełko – 10 ml


    Mięta pieprzowa, kadzidło i cytryna Korzyści z energetyzującej mieszanki olejków eterycznych – rewitalizuje poziom energii – może pomóc zachować czujność i złagodzić zmęczenie – poprawia nastrój Będziesz mógł wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tą mieszanką olejków eterycznych, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz się zrelaksować, czy poczuć się ponownie pobudzony. Wyobraź sobie, że po długim dniu pracy…

  • 200ml Peppermint & Frankincense Essential Oil Reed Diffuser


    Revitalising, cooling , relaxing This refreshing reed diffuser combined of intensive minty aroma of Peppermint essential oil and fresh woody scent of Frankincense essential oil will leave your home full of energy when its wonderful smell embraces the room. Proudly made in the UK by Ancient Wisdom Dropshipping at our Sheffield factory. Just smell the the…

  • Dyfuzor z trzciny z olejkiem eterycznym z lawendy i kopru włoskiego o pojemności 200 ml


    Koi, uspokaja, przywraca równowagę Piękne połączenie świeżego kwiatowego olejku lawendowego i słodkiego olejku eterycznego kopru włoskiego delikatnie napełni Twoje pomieszczenie subtelnym zapachem. Z dumą wyprodukowano w Wielkiej Brytanii przez Ancient Wisdom Dropshipping w naszej fabryce w Sheffield. Po prostu powąchaj różnicę… Ten piękny, klasyczny dyfuzor trzcinowy wykonany jest z olejków eterycznych (w specjalnej bazie olejów…

  • Zmysłowa Mieszanka Olejków Eterycznych – 10ml


    Zrelaksuj się i zrelaksuj dzięki naszej mieszance zmysłowych olejków eterycznych. Czysta mieszanka paczuli, jagód jałowca i ylang ylang pomoże Ci zwiększyć libido. Ylang Ylang jest szeroko stosowany jako afrodyzjak w świecie aromaterapii. Możesz wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tym olejkiem, nałożyć kilka kropli olejku na stopy lub dłonie lub użyć palników olejowych, aby rozprowadzić olej po…

  • Kojąca Mieszanka Olejków Eterycznych – 10ml


    Zrelaksuj się i zrelaksuj dzięki naszej kojącej mieszance olejków eterycznych. Po rozproszeniu ta mieszanka olejków pomaga uspokoić napięcia i podnieść na duchu, promując relaks i głębokie poczucie spokoju. Kojąca mieszanka olejków eterycznych z rumianku rzymskiego, szałwii i wetywerii może być szczególnie kojąca po nadmiernie aktywnym i stresującym dniu. Możesz wziąć relaksującą kąpiel z tym olejkiem,…

  • Organiczny olejek eteryczny z róży geranium 10 ml


    Olejek eteryczny z róży geranium, znany również jako olejek geraniowy, jest pozyskiwany z liści i łodyg Pelargonium graveolens – rodzaju rośliny, która jest naturalnie występująca w regionach takich jak południowa Afryka, Zimbabwe i Mozambik. Ten olejek jest ceniony w aromaterapii oraz kosmetyce za swoje liczne właściwości terapeutyczne i pielęgnacyjne. Zapach: Olejek z róży geranium ma…

  • Ginger Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Petitgrain Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Cedarwood Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Cypress Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Grapefruit Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Clary Sage Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Bergamot Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Lemongrass Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Geranium Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Orange Organic essential Oil 10ml

  • Rosemary Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Lemon Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Peppermint Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Ylang Ylang Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Organiczny olejek eteryczny z paczuli 10 ml


    Olejek eteryczny patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) jest pozyskiwany z liści rośliny patchouli, która jest rodzimym gatunkiem występującym w tropikalnych regionach Azji Południowo-Wschodniej, głównie w Indiach, Indonezji i na Filipinach. Liście patchouli są suszone, a następnie destylowane parą wodną, aby wyekstrahować charakterystyczny, intensywny olejek. Olejek ten jest ceniony za swoje właściwości aromaterapeutyczne, kosmetyczne i medyczne. Charakterystyka i…

  • Eucalyptus Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Organiczny olejek eteryczny z drzewa herbacianego 10 ml


    Olejek eteryczny z drzewa herbacianego, znany również jako olejek z melaleuki (Melaleuca alternifolia), to popularny olejek organiczny pozyskiwany z liści australijskiego drzewa herbacianego. Jest szeroko stosowany w medycynie alternatywnej i w produktach do pielęgnacji skóry ze względu na swoje silne właściwości antyseptyczne, przeciwbakteryjne, przeciwgrzybicze i przeciwwirusowe. Charakterystyka i właściwości Zapach: Olejek z drzewa herbacianego ma…

  • Lavender Organic Essential Oil 10ml

  • Rapeseed Oil – 50ml


    Botanical Name:  Brassica Campestris Origin: France Color and Smell:  golden yellow, no scent Texture: light texture Shelf Life: 1 year Our  Rapeseed Oil Base Oil is studiously selected, bought more often not from primary sources, tested for purity and subjected to rigorous quality control standards. Sourced from all over the world this Rapeseed Oil Base…

  • Castor Oil – 50ml


    Botanical Name: Ricinus Communis Origin: India Color and Smell: Its clear and colourless; being odorless/having a light oily scent  Texture: honey like texture Shelf Life:  1 year Our Wholesale Castor Oil Base Oil is studiously selected, bought more often not from primary sources, tested for purity and subjected to rigorous quality control standards. Sourced from…

  • Neem Oil – 50ml


    Botanical Name:  Azadirachta Indica Origin: The Neem tree originates in India and is now being grown successfully in Northern Australia. The oils and dry extracts from the plant have been used in Ayurvedic medicines for thousands of years, and have been revered in India for their medicinal and healing properties, especially on chronic skin disorders. …

  • Calendula Oil – 50ml


    Botanical Name:  Calendula Officinalis. Base oils are ideal for diluting Essential Oils before using them on the skin. Calendula oil infused into Sunflower oil 'Calendula Officinalis Flower & Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil ’,  All our base oils are 100% natural pure oil. We carry a wide variety of cold-pressed, fractionated and solvent extraction base oils,…

  • White Camphor 50ml


    Latin Name : Cinnamomum CamphoraPart Of Plat Used : Wood and RootsSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation White Camphor Essential Oil smells fresh, intense and woody. Its aroma is somewhat eucalyptus-like due to its high cineole content.  White camphor Essential oil provides respiratory relief. It immediately relieves congestion of the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, nasal…

  • Cinnamon 50ml


    Latin Name : Cinnamomum Zeylanicum.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : Sri Lanka.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Cinnamon Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree, also called Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon. There are two kinds of essential oils extracted: one from the leaves, which is gentler, yellow…

  • Geranium (Egypt) 50ml


    Latin Name : Pelargonium Graveolens.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves, Stalks & Flowers.Source : Egypt.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Geranium Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and stalks of the plant Pelargonium odoratissimum (apple geranium). It has a strong smell with a floral aroma, and hints of mint and apple. The main feature…

  • PMT Rescue Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your PMS Massage Oil is made with worlds…

  • Wellbeing Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Wellbeing  Massage Oil is made with worlds…

  • Clear Skin Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Clear Skin  Massage Oil is made with…

  • Nag Champa Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Nag Champa Massage Oil is made with…

  • Regenerate Special A2 Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Special A2 Massage Oil is made with…

  • Scalp Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Scalp Massage Oil is made with worlds…

  • Mr Cleancut Shaving Oil – 100ml


    Your Mr Cleancut Shaving Oil is made with worlds known Ancient Wisdom quality Tea Tree and Lime Essential Oils and Pure Grapeseed Oil. Shake bottle with oil before each use. Massage a few drops of oil into beard daily to soften, moisturize and protect your beard.

  • Sleepy Lavender Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Sleepy Lavender  Massage Oil is made with…

  • Heighten Awareness Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Heighten Awareness  Massage Oil is made with…

  • Warm & Uplifting Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Warm & Uplifting Massage Oil is made…

  • Toning & Firming Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Toning & Firming Massage Oil is made…

  • Spicy Rub Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming.  These Massage Oils are blended in Grape Seed Oil. You can even add a few drops to the bath. Your Spicy Rub  Massage Oil is made with…

  • Peppermint Fresh Massage Oil – 100ml


    From your customers point of view Massage Oils make excellent sense because to buy each of the individual oils to mix their own is expensive and time consuming. Your Peppermint Fresh  Massage Oil is made with worlds known Ancient Wisdom quality Peppermint, Tea Tree and Eucaliptus Essential Oils and Pure Grapeseed Oil. These Massage Oils…

  • Joints Ease Massage Oil – 100ml


    This calming, Joint Ease Massage Oil helps soothe aching muscles as well as promotes sleep. So if the aches and pains prevent you from sleeping… we believe this blend of oils will help.  This massage oil can be used for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, neck pain and general aches and pains. Apply every evening gently over…

  • Muscle Ease Massage Oil – 100ml


    This calming, Muscle Ease Massage Oil helps soothe aching muscles as well as promotes sleep. So if the aches and pains prevent you from sleeping… we believe this blend of oils will help.  This massage oil can be used for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, neck pain and general aches and pains. Apply every evening gently over…

  • Radiant Skin Massage Oil – 100ml


    This sweet and balmy,  Sandalwood's Glow Massage Oil brings tranquillity, while it's soothing properties moisturises very dry skin. Warm the oil between your hands, then soothe and delight each other or enjoy some quality solo pampering. Leaves the skin nourished, silky and perfectly soft. Your Sandalwood Glow Massage Oil is made with worlds known Ancient…

  • Sensual Massage Oil – 100ml


    Stimulate your senses with this amazingly fragrant, moisturising Sensual Massage Oil.  Warm the oil between your hands, then soothe and delight each other or enjoy some quality solo pampering. Leaves the skin nourished, silky and perfectly soft. Your sensual Massage Oil is made with worlds known Ancient Wisdom quality. Ylang Ylang, Orange and Patchouli Essential…

  • Relaxing Massage Oil – 100ml


    Stimulate your senses with this amazingly fragrant, moisturising Relaxing Massage Oil.  Warm the oil between your hands, then soothe and delight each other or enjoy some quality solo pampering. Leaves the skin nourished, silky and perfectly soft. Your sensual Massage Oil is made with worlds known Ancient Wisdom quality  This blend of quality Lavender, Peppermint…

  • Argan Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Argania Spinosa Origin: Argan oil is believed to be one of the rarest oils in the world, it is a robust, nutty scented oil made largely in Morocco from the nuts of the argan tree. Argan trees used to cover much of North Africa but they are now greatly reduced in number which…

  • Castor Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Ricinus Communis Origin: Its been thought that Castor oil have been used from ancient times by Egyptian doctors to protect the eyes from irritation. Although the Caster oil is nowadays produced worldwide , the largest producer remains to be India. Castor Oil is widely used in medicine, cosmetics and in industrial chemistry. It…

  • Rosehip Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name:  Rosa Mosqueta Origin: Chile – Although the Rosehip oil is being produced in many regions of the world today,  it was believed to be primarily used by the ancient Egyptians and Native Americans for its great healing properties. Oil is extracted from the seeds of the wild rose bush. Rosehip Oil has many useful…

  • Calendula Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name:  Calendula Officinalis. Origin: France – The Calendula or Marigold plant is so widely grown that its precise origin is hard to pinpoint. It is also considered edible and the flower can be used in recipes and salads to add colour. Oil is made by infusing marigold flowers in a carrier oil. Calendula oil…

  • Borage Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name:  Borago Officinalis. Origin: The Borago plant, also known as the Starflower is native to the eastern Mediterranean region. The plant is cultivated in many parts of the world , grown  primarily in Europe and  North America. Oil is obtained from the seeds of the Borago plants.  Borage oil is very high in Omega…

  • Macadamia Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Macadamia Integrifolia. Origin: The Macadamia plant originated in Australia and have been consumed and processed by the indigenous Australians for many years. Macadamia oil  is obtained from the ripe nuts of the macadamia tree. Macadamia oil has a anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties that may soothe and protect your skin. Rich in Oleic acid…

  • Avocado Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Persea Gratissima Origin: Its believed that avocados are primarily native to Mexico where Aztecs tribes used to spread the fruit on their skin and create face masks. Our Avocado oil originates from world's major avocado producer South Africa, obtained from pressed avocado fruits. Avocado oil is rich in fatty acids and anti-inflammatory antioxidants…

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Cocos Nucifera Origin: Coconut oil has been largely produced in tropical regions of Philippines for centuries often used to cure illnesses and beauty treatments. Coconut Oil in it's purest form is solid at room temperature. The process of 'fractionating' the oil removes some of the proteins and fatty acids from the oil and…

  • Jojoba Oil – 100ml


    Botanical Name: Simmondsia Chinensis Origin: Originated from North America and areas of the western coast of Mexico and then from early nineties grown by farms established in the northwestern desert of Argentina. Jojoba extract was in past used by Native Americans to heal  several skin and hair conditions. Its extract is obtained from the seeds…

  • 10 ml Spearmint


    Latin Name : Mentha SpicataPlant Part Used : Flowering TopsSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This Spearmint Essential Oil is a high grade 60% Carvone variety.Carvone is the naturally occuring chemical that gives Spearmint its distinctive odour. The other 40% of the oil is made up ofother chemicals naturally occuring in the Spearmint plant. Spearmint Essential…

  • 10 ml Cornmint


    Latin Name : Mentha ArvensisPart Of Plant Used : LeavesSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Cornmint has a wide range of therapeutic uses and is a versatile essential oil. Some of these properties are anaesthetic, anti-migraine, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, mucolytic, neuro-tonic and stimulant. Cornmint’s various uses are for antimicrobial and digestive, and is also used…

  • 10 ml Ylang Ylang III


    Latin Name : Cananga OdorataPart of Plant Used : FlowersSource : CamoresExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Ylang Ylang means “flower of flowers” and has been used for centuries across tropical areas of Asia including the Philippines, Indonesia and the Polynesian Islands. The flowers were and are still traditionally used in Indonesia to decorate the bed…

  • 10 ml Sweet Birch Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Betula Pendula RothPart of Plant Used : Leaf BudsSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This Sweet Birch Essential Oil is known to have natural astringent properties so can be very useful when well diluted in a carrier oil or cream or lotion. It may offer help to soothe skin conditions such as acne…

  • 10 ml Rose Geranium Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Pelargonium Graveolens & P/Rosa EgyptEssential Oil Blend Rose Geranium Essential Oil is an active ingredient in some cosmetic products, like lotions and fragrances. A 2017 review of studies demonstrated that antioxidant properties in rose geranium oil may help reduce the signs of aging. Antioxidants are well-established as natural agents for improving your…

  • 10 ml Ravensara Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Ravensara AromaticaPart Of Plant Used : LeavesSource : MadagascarExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This Ravensara Essential Oil is a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral, used to treat internal and skin conditions. Ravensara Essential Oil is used in aromatherapy to treat ailments caused by excess mucous and phlegm in the respiratory tract. The…

  • 10 ml Bay Leaf Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Pimenta Racemosa.Plant Part Used : LeavesSource : Caribbean.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. The West Indian Bay is another plant that has been prized for it’s uses in medicine and cooking. Bay leaves have been used various types of cooking and condiments and the fruit is one of the ingredients of All Spice….

  • 10 ml Lemon Tea Tree


    Latin Name : Leptospermum PetersoniiPart Of Plant Used : LeavesSource : AustraliaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Uplifting, grounding and cleansing, therapeutically Lemon Tea Tree Essential Oil is a powerful anti-microbial, anti-septic and anti-histamine. It can be used to combat inflammatory skin conditions, aid sleep and concentration and makes an excellent room deodoriser. Lemon Tea Tree has a…

  • 10 ml Ho Wood Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cinnamomum Camphora Var. GlavescensPart Of Plant Used : WoodSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Ho Wood is one of the most potent sources of naturally occurring linalol found in any steam distilled essential oil. Aromatically, Ho Wood Essential Oil is a beautifully fragrant wood oil. Emotionally, given its linalol content, Ho Wood Essential…

  • 10 ml Parsley Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Petroselinum CrispumPart Of Plant Used : Seed & HerbSource : FranceExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Parsley Essential Oil exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, and detoxifying properties. Parsley oil can help kill microbes and inhibit their growth, protecting you from various infections and diseases. Where there are microbes, there are infections and diseases,…

  • 10 ml Spruce Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Tsuga CanadensisPart of Plant Used : Needles & TwigsSource : USAExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The earthy-smelling Spruce Essential Oil, which is made from the needles and twigs of spruce trees, can be combined with other notable essential oils to help promote healing from muscles aches, sprains and strains.  Spruce oil has potent antibacterial,…

  • 10 ml Cumin Seed Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cuminum CyminumPart Of Plant Used : SeedsSource : EgyptExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The essential oil of cumin is extracted from its dried and crushed seeds through a process of steam distillation. Cumin is quite popular as a spice all over the world, and it hardly needs any introduction.  Cumin Essential Oil has strong…

  • 10 ml Frankincense (Pure) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Boswellia Carterii.Part Of Plant Used : Resin.Source : Oman.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Pure Frankincense Essential Oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, of the Burseraceae family, and is also known as Olibanum. The word is derived from the French franc meaning luxuriant, and was, along…

  • 10 ml Lemon Verbena Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Aloysia TriphyllaPart Of Plant Used : HerbSource : SpainExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Emotionally and energetically, this Lemon Verbena Essential Oil can help relieve anxiety and depression. Its sedative and aphrodisiac properties make it helpful for relaxing the mind and uplifting and improving one’s mood. Using lemon verbena essential oil is a popular herbal…

  • 10 ml Tangerine Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus ReticulataPart of Plant Used : Fruit PeelSource : BrasilExtraction Method : Cold Expression Tangerine is a calming essential oil with a sweet, tangy aroma, similar to orange. It helps with occasional nervous irritability. An excellent oil to help uplift the spirit and bring about a sense of security, tangerine is also rich in…

  • 10 ml Melissa (Blend) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : None – Natural Blend.Source : Mixed.Extraction Method : N/A. Melissa blend is a special mixture of fractionated essential oils designed to have the same fragrance profile and properties as true Melissa as true Melissa is extremely expensive. The exact formulation of this oil is a closely guarded secret but the contents of the…

  • 10 ml Aniseed China Star (Star Anise)


    Latin Name : Illicium VerumPart of Plant Used : FruitSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Anise Seed Essential Oil is used for upset stomach, intestinal gas, “runny nose,” and as an expectorant to increase productive cough, as a diuretic to increase urine flow, and as an appetite stimulant. This oil can give relief from…

  • 10 ml Benzoin Essential Oil (Dilute/Dpg)


    Latin Name : Styrax BenzoinPart Of Plant Used : ResinSource : PhilippinesExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The benzoin resin is antifungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and a mild expectorant. It regenerates the skin and is an excellent healing agent. At the psychic level, it is relaxing, reassuring and anxiolytic. Internally, benzoin can be used against coughing.  It…

  • 10 ml Dill Seed Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Anethum GraveolensPart Of Plat Used : SeedSource : HungaryExtraction Method : Steam Distillation From boosting the immune system to relieving muscle cramps, this Dill Seed Essential Oil benefits are numerous. Spasms can be very irritating and in extreme cases, can even be fatal. Spasms are cases of unwanted and abnormal contractions, either in the…

  • 10 ml White Camphor Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cinnamomum CamphoraPart Of Plat Used : Wood and RootsSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation White Camphor Essential Oil smells fresh, intense and woody. Its aroma is somewhat eucalyptus-like due to its high cineole content.  White camphor Essential oil provides respiratory relief. It immediately relieves congestion of the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, nasal…

  • 10 ml Cajaput Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Melaleuca CajuputiPart Of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : IndonesiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This Cajeput Essential Oil is used to treat colds, headaches and toothache.  It is very efficient in fighting infections from bacteria, virus, and fungi, such as tetanus (bacteria), influenza (virus), and infectious diseases like cholera and typhoid. Cajuput oil…

  • 10 ml Carrot Seed Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Daucus Carota SativaPart Of Plant Used : Dried SeedsSource : HungaryExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Used in aromatherapy applications, Carrot Seed Essential Oil stimulates circulation as well as brain and nerve functions. Its warm, earthy, woody, and herbaceous scent has a soothing, refreshing, and grounding effect that is known to diminish feelings of fatigue,…

  • 10 ml Vetivert Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Vetiveria ZizanioidesPart of Plant Used : RootsSource : JavaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This Vetiver Essential Oil, also called khus oil, is extracted from the vetiver plant, a clumpy, green grass native to India that can grow five feet high or more. Vetiver oil is quite fragrant, with a distinctive sharp and earthy scent…

  • 10 ml May Chang Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Litsea CubebaPart Of Plant Used : FruitSource : ChinaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation This May Chang Essential Oil is a very uplifting and stimulating oil and useful during times of fatigue, melancholy and anxiety. Used to create a cheering ambience when diffused. Traditionally used as a digestive aid May Chang can help with poor…

  • 10 ml Hyssop Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Hyssopus OfficinalisPart Of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering TopsSource : SloveniaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The essential oil of Hyssop is extracted with the help of steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of a shrub called Hyssop. The health benefits of this essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an…

  • 10 ml Cedarwood Virginian Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Juniperus VirginianaPart Of Plant Used : WoodSource : USAExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Cedarwood is basically a plant native to cold climates and is normally found at high altitudes. The health benefits of cedarwood essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseborrheic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticidal, sedative,…

  • 10 ml Sage Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Salvia OfficinalisPart of Plant Used : Dried LeavesSource : SpainExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The health benefits of sage essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, cholagogic and choleretic, cicatrizant, depurative, digestive, disinfectant, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, and a stimulating substance. The presence of…

  • 10 ml Thyme (White) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Thymus VulgarisPart of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering TopsSource : SpainExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Thyme oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. It’s commonly used as a preservative in foods, cosmetics, and toiletries. It can also be found as an ingredient in mouthwash. The health benefits of this Thyme Essential Oil can…

  • 10 ml Pine Sylvestris (Scots Pine) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Pinus Sylvestris.Part of Plant Used : Needles.Source : Siberia.Extraction Method : Dry Distillation. The health benefits of pine essential oil include its ability to reduce inflammation and associated redness, protect against sinus infections, clear mucus and phlegm, cure skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, boost the immune system, fight fungal and viral…

  • 10 ml Niaouli Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Melaleueca ViridifloraPart Of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : IndonesiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Niaouli Essential Oil isn’t the greatest smelling essential oil. What it lacks in aromatic appeal, however, it makes up for in its therapeutic benefits. It’s an excellent choice for use with respiratory concerns, skin infections and acne. Aromatically, Niaouli…

  • 10 ml Coriander Seed Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Coriandrum SativumPart Of Plant Used : SeedSource : RussiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The health benefits of coriander essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, deodorant, digestive, fungicidal, lipolytic, stimulant, and stomachic substance.  Coriander Essential Oil can make your married life heavenly. It arouses and increases the…

  • 10 ml Rose Dilute Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Rosa CentifoliaPart of Plant Used : PetalsSource : MoroccoExtraction Method : Solvent Extract 5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil Rose Essential Oil is more than just a pretty, floral scent. It has several therapeutic properties that makes it amazing in skincare products. Rose Absolute has several therapeutic properties, including antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, calmative and sedative….

  • 10 ml Myrrh Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Commiphora MyrrhaPart Of Plaant Used : ResinSource : SomaliaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Myrrh has been used since ancient times as perfume and incense for medicinal and sacred purposes. Myrrh Essential Oil is a staple in aromatherapy and is believed to ease coughs and colds, soothe digestive discomfort, and boost immunity. When used in aromatherapy, myrrh…

  • 10 ml Rosewood Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Aniba RosaeodoraPart of Plant Used : WoodSource : BrasilExtraction Method : Steam Distillation The health benefits of Rosewood Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, cephalic, deodorant, insecticide, and a stimulating substance. It is extracted from the rosewood tree. This essential oil can take away your…

  • 10 ml Rose Absolute Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Rosa CentifoliaPart of Plant Used : PetalsSource : MoroccoExtraction Method : Solvent Extraction  Rose Essential Oil is more than just a pretty, floral scent. It has several therapeutic properties that makes it amazing in skincare products. Rose Absolute has several therapeutic properties, including antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, calmative and sedative.  Rose Essential Oil is known…

  • 10 ml Petitgrain Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium var. AmaraPart of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : ParaguayExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Petitgrain Essential Oil is derived from the bitter orange tree, which has a long history of use in traditional health practices. Historically, Petitgrain essential oil has been used for cleaning purposes. Petitgrain is widely used in the…

  • 10 ml Palmarosa Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cymbopogon MartiniiPart Of Plant Used : GrassSource : IndiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Palmarosa Essential Oil has a rose-like scent that makes it a beautiful addition to your essential oil collection. It is an essential oil known for its natural skin benefits. Palmarosa is one of nature’s star upholders of skin health. It regulates…

  • 10 ml Orange Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus SinensisPart Of Plant Used : Fruit PeelSource : BrasilExtraction Method : Cold Expression Orange Essential Oil’s ability to naturally enhance immunity and reduce several symptoms of numerous ailments have lent it to traditional medicinal applications for the treatment of acne, chronic stress, and other health concerns. Used in aromatherapy, Orange Essential Oil’s pleasant…

  • 10 ml Nutmeg Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Myristica FragransPart Of Plant Used : SeedSource : IndonesiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation  Steam distilled Nutmeg Essential Oil is a warming oil that when used judiciously, it is a wonderful essential oil for use in helping to ease digestive complaints as well as muscular aches and pains. Aromatically, Nutmeg Essential Oil is a warm,…

  • 10 ml Pure Neroli Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium.Part Of Plant Used : FlowersSource : Tunisia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Neroli Essential Oil is produced from the flowers of the bitter orangetree (Citrus aurantium var. amara), also known as Neroli bigarade, and smells similar to bergamot. The blossoms are gathered by hand and the oil is produced by water…

  • 10 ml Neroli Dilute Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Aurantium.Part Of Plant Used : FlowersSource : Tunisia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. 5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil This Neroli Essential Oil is produced from the flowers of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara), also known as Neroli bigarade, and smells similar to bergamot. The blossoms are gathered by hand…

  • 10 ml Marjoram Spanish Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Thymus Mastichina.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & Flowering Tops.Source : Spain.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Marjoram Essential Oil is steam distilled from the Thymus mastichina plant, which has a hairy stem, oval leaves and little whitish flowers in clusters. The entire plant exudes a strong aroma. This plant is actually…

  • 10 ml Mandarin Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Nobilis.Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel.Source : Italy.Extraction Method : Cold Expression. Mandarin Essential Oil is obtained from Citrus Reticulata, by cold compression of the peel. Mandarin Petitgrain oil is also extracted in small quantities by steam distillation of the leaves and twigs. The oil is golden yellow-orange and has…

  • 10 ml Lime Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Aurantifolia.Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel.Source : Mexico.Extraction Method : Cold Expression. This Lime Essential Oil is obtained from Citrus aurantifolia, also known as Mexican or West Indian lime, as well as sour lime.  The oil is extracted from the peel of the unripe skin by cold expression or from…

  • 10 ml Lemongrass Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cymbopogon Citratus.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves.Source : Guatamala.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Lemongrass Essential Oil is extracted from Cymbopogon citratus, also known as 'oil grass’, from the fresh or partly-dried leaves by steam distillation. This oil is said to fight fatigue, and help refresh a tired body and mind. It…

  • 10 ml Juniperberry Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Juniperus CommunisPart Of Plant Used : BerrySource : MacedoniaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Extracted from the berries of a coniferous tree, Juniper Berry Essential Oil is recognized for its versatile uses and benefits. The scent of Juniper Berry oil is woody, spicy, and clean. When used for its aroma, Juniper Berry essential oil has…

  • 10 ml Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Jasminum Officinale.Of Flower Used : FlowerSource : India.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Jasmine is a delicate, evergreen climber native to China and India with small, white, star-shaped flowers, which are picked at night, when their fragrance is the most powerful. This Wholesale Jasmine Essential Oil has a sweet, exotic and richly floral…

  • 10 ml Grapefruit Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus ParadisiPart Of Plant Used : Fruit PeelSource : USAExtraction Method : Cold Press This Grapefruit Essential Oil has distinct properties that may offer a variety of health benefits — including reduced blood pressure and stress levels. Sourced from the peel of the Citrus paradisi fruit, proponents suggest that breathing in the oil’s tangy…

  • 10 ml Ginger Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Zingiber Officinale.Part Of Plant Used : Root.Source : India.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Ginger Essential Oil is extracted from the Zingiberaceae officinale plant, also known as Common or Jamaica Ginger. The name ginger is derived from the place called Gingi in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, and the Tamil word for…

  • 10 ml Cypress Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cupressus Sempervirens.Part Of Plant Used : Needles & TwigsSource : Spain.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Cypress Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Italian or Mediterranean cypress. The oil is taken from the needles and twigs of young branches of these trees made famous by the paintings of Van…

  • 10 ml Clove Leaf Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Eugenia Caryophyllata.Part Of Plant Used : LeavesSource : Madagascar.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Clove Essential Oil is extracted usually by steam distillation from the leaves, stem, and buds of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree, which is native to Indonesia and the Malacca islands. This is a potent oil with a warm, strong,…

  • 10 ml Cinnamon Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cinnamomum Zeylanicum.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : Sri Lanka.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Cinnamon Essential Oil is extracted by steam distillation from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree, also called Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon. There are two kinds of essential oils extracted: one from the leaves, which is gentler, yellow…

  • 10 ml Citronella Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cymbopogon Nardus.Part Of Plant Used : Dried GrassSource : Java.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. This Citronella Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and stems of the  Cymbopogon species of plants, especially Cymbopogon nardus. Citronella oil is famous as  a plant-based insect repellent, a bio-pesticide with a non-toxic  mode of action,…

  • 10 ml Chamomile Roman (P) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Anthemis Nobilis.Part Of Plant Used : FlowersSource : England.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Roman chamomile yields an essential oil that is light blue when  fresh. It can be extracted from the flower and the upper parts   of the plant. It has excellent calming properties, and is said   to ease irritation,…

  • 10 ml Chamomile Roman (D) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Anthemis Nobilis.Part Of Plant Used : FlowersSource : England.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. 5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil Roman chamomile yields an essential oil that is light blue when fresh. It can be extracted from the flower and the upper parts of the plant. It has excellent calming properties, and is said…

  • 10 ml Frankincense (D) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Boswellia Carterii.Part Of Plant Used : Resin.Source : Somalia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. 5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil This Frankincense Essential Oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, of the Burseraceae family, and is also known as Olibanum. The word is derived from the French franc meaning…

  • 10 ml Fennel Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Foeniculum Vulgare.Part Of Plant Used : Crushed Seeds.Source : Ukraine.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Fennel Essential Oil is extracted from the plant Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is sweet fennel, also known as Roman fennel. It is extracted from the crushed seeds by steam distillation. The oil, like the seeds, is good…

  • 10 ml Blackpepper Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Piper NigrumPart Of Plant Used : PeppercornsSource : IndiaExtraction Method : Steam Destilation This Black Pepper Essential Oil is a multi-purpose oil that has a variety of uses and benefits. This essential oil is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are natural chemicals known for their antioxidant activity and their ability to support the…

  • 10 ml Bergamot (FCF) Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Bergamia.Part Of Plant Used : Fruit PeelSource : Ivory Coast.Extraction Method : Cold Expression. Bergamot Essential Oil is extracted by expression from the ripe as well as unripe fruits of the bergamot orange tree. This essential oil that smells citrus-like yet sweet, is great for creating a relaxed and happy feeling….

  • 10 ml Basil Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Ocimum Basilicum.Plant Part Used : Flowering Herb.Source : India.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Basil Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the basil plant. This greenish-yellow, crisp-smelling essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to awaken the mind, steady the nerves and bring about clarity of thought….

  • 10 ml Lemon Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Citrus Limon.Part Of Plant Used : Fruit PeelSource : Italy.Extraction Method : Cold Expression. Lemon Essential Oil has a sharp, fresh smell and is extracted from the fresh lemon fruit peel by cold expression. This oil is refreshing to the mind, and sharpens concentration, so it is often preferred in room fresheners…

  • 10 ml Jasmine Dilute Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Jasminum OfficinalePart of Plant Used : Dried LeavesSource : IndiaExtraction Method : Steam Distillation 5% Dilution in Grapeseed Oil It may be the aphrodisiac properties that placed jasmine oil in such high demand throughout history. Jasmine essential oil was used in healing and religious ceremonies because of this compelling quality. In China, jasmine oil was…

  • 10 ml Patchouli Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Pogostemon Cablin.Part of Plant Used : Dried Leaves.Source : Indonesia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Patchouli Oil is extracted from the Pogostemon cablin plant of the mint family and has a rich musky-sweet, spicy smell. The plant is native to Malaysia and India, where it is known as 'puchaput’. The word patchouli is…

  • 10 ml Sandalwood Amayris Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Amyris Balsamifera.Part of Plant Used : Wood & Branches.Source : Jamaica.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Amyris essential oil is also called West Indian Sandalwood oil because its odour is reminiscent of sandalwood. It is obtained by steam distillation from the bark and branches of the Amyris balsamifera tree. Because of its high…

  • 10 ml Geranium Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Pelargonium Graveolens.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves, Stalks & Flowers.Source : Egypt.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Geranium Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves and stalks of the plant Pelargonium odoratissimum (apple geranium). It has a strong smell with a floral aroma, and hints of mint and apple. The main feature…

  • 10 ml Clary Sage Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Salvia SclareaPart of Plant Used : Tops and Leaves.Source : Russia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Clary Sage Essential Oil has sedative abilities that induce feelings of relaxation, clarity, and calmness while alleviating dizziness, anxiety, and irritability. It is also known to stimulate libido in both men and women. Clary Sage Essential Oil…

  • 10 ml Ylang Ylang I Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Cananga Odorata.Part of Plant Used : Flowers.Source : Camores.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Ylang Ylang is a large tree native to the far eastern countries like Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. Its yellow flowers are strongly fragrant and have long trailing petals. The essential oil made from it is available in abundance and…

  • 10 ml Rosemary Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Rosmarinus Officinalis.Part of Plant Used : Flowering Tops.Source : Tunisia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. The Essential Oil of the Rosemary Herb is steam distilled from the flowers, stems and leaves of the plant. According to the the British Pharmacopoeia, the oil distilled from the flowering tops is superior to that obtained from…

  • 10 ml Peppermint Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Mentha Piperita.Part Of Plant Used : Flowering Herb.Source : India.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Peppermint Essential Oil is said to be good for ailments like asthma, colic, fever, flatulence, headache, nausea, chest congestion and vertigo. This oil is supposed to be excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing and stimulating with its…

  • 10 ml Eucalyptus Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Eucalyptus Globulus.Part Of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : China.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile aromacompounds from the Eucalyptus Globulus Tree. It is usuallydistilled, sometimes expressed or solvent extracted. Eucalyptus essential oil is said to be antibacterial, disinfectant and an analgesic. It has…

  • 10 ml Tea Tree Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Melaleuca Alternifolia.Part of Plant Used : Leaves & TwigsSource : Australia.Extraction Method : Steam Distillation. In early times, it seems the leaves of this tree were infused to make tea, which is how the name came into being. Tea Tree  Essential Oil is the concentrated liquid compounds steam distilled from the leaves…

  • 10 ml Lavender Essential Oil


    Latin Name : Lavandula AngustifoliaPart of Plant Used : Flowering TipsOrigin: FranceExtraction Method : Steam Distillation Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume. Its calming and relaxing qualities, when taken…